SSH Tunnel for RDP use!

So, let’s say, for example, that your desktop (PC1) can’t RDP directly out to the internet, but you do have access to a Linux system (Linux 1) in another part of the network that can? And to make things more exciting, the machine you want to RDP into (HomePC) is on a remote network with … Read more

SSH cipher mismatch!?

“Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching cipher found. Their offer: 3des-cbc” ?! I’ve seen similar errors before, didn’t make good notes on how it was resolved.. so here are a couple of items. 1 – nano ~/.ssh/config and set the connection parameters for each server you often connect to using the example … Read more

How to Create a CSR and Key File for a SAN Certificate with Multiple Subject Alternate Names

Objective This article describes how to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and key file for a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate with multiple subject alternate names. Instructions To create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and key file for a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate with multiple subject alternate names, complete the following procedure: Create … Read more

Duplicati 2.0

Free backup software to store encrypted backups online. For Windows, macOS and Linux Many Backends Duplicati works with standard protocols like FTP, SSH, WebDAV as well as popular services like Backblaze B2, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon S3, Google Drive,, Mega, hubiC and many others.

How to Extend/Reduce LVM’s (Logical Volume Management) in Linux – Part II

From – Previously we have seen how to create a flexible disk storage using LVM. Here, we are going to see how to extend volume group, extend and reduce a logical volume. Here we can reduce or extend the partitions in Logical volume management (LVM) also called as flexible volume file-system. Extend/Reduce LVMs … Read more

Updates Message of the Day

Ever login to a Debian/Ubuntu system that just says the servername or something similar, but not the number of updates (if any) it needs? Normally when you login …you might see the message like this: Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-58-generic x86_64) * Documentation: 115 packages can be updated. 115 updates are security … Read more

Know about SAN Certificate and How to Create With OpenSSL

Original here –  Reduce SSL cost and maintenance by using single certificate for multiple websites using SAN certificate SAN stands for “Subject Alternative Names” and this helps you to have a single certificate for multiple CN (Common Name). You might be thinking this is wildcard SSL but let me tell you – it’s slightly different. In … Read more